Apr 8, 2010

Today is a Rainbow!

The butterfly counts not months but moments,
and has time enough.

Rabindranath Tagore


Anonymous said...

Nice colours! Hard and soft tones in one pic, lovely! Flora and fauna in perfect harmony!

vk said...

Good to see a new post. Missed you. Gorgeous shots...awesome colours.

Anonymous said...

Dear Sas,
Hope you are feeling well with your little 'cocoon'. The butterfly is stunning. Thanks for the words of Tagore.
Love,Missy from the bayou

Elisa Day said...

Wonderful! Your blog lights up my soul. Glad you are posting again

Rupa said...

Gorgeous colors!!! Love this pic, hope you will do a series of butterfly shots like your flower shots? I love birds, flowers and butterflies (they are called painted flowers some times?)

lissa said...

hello, just wondering if I can get your permission to use one of the butterfly photo for blog banner - the blog is here: http://threemariposas.blogspot.com/

right it's not active but it will be a personal blog run by three bloggers, one of which is me.

I can pay a small for usage. though right now, the banner is not yet decided on but butterfly is one of the main image we'll probably use.

let me know if this is possible. thanks!

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