Feb 6, 2010


When I sound the fairy call, 
gather here in silent meeting,

Chin to knee on the orchard wall, 
cooled with dew and cherries eating.

Merry, merry, take a cherry, 
mine are sounder, mine are rounder,

Mine are sweeter for the eater, 
when the dews fall, and you'll be fairies all.

Emily Dickinson


vk said...

Lovely work, Sas. I woke up to this beautiful softness and the sweet words. Thanks. Have a nice Sunday.

Anonymous said...

Dear Sas,
I love the first shot.....that delicate translucent pink and the glow of yellow from within is a perfect metaphor for you and your little one.
Take care. Love,Missy from the bayou

Anonymous said...

so soft... so pink... so in love!!

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